Sunday, May 4, 2014

the start of Week Three...

Well, Week Three is upon us! {out of seven weeks} and on Wednesday, we'll be about 1/2 way done with being without Britt. That also means that the kids really only have four weeks of school left - yikes! I seriously can't believe that the school year has gone so fast. Here are some deets:
  • Kaeden - has MASTERED reading. I'm seriously impressed by this kiddo. Up until December he was in a 'Star Reading' group which meant he got extra one-on-one attention from another teacher or his buddy to get him to where he needed to be for reading. I struggled with it thinking that were weren't spending enough time practicing with him (daily confessions of a working mom). I don't know what happened, but when we went back to school after Christmas Break, he was a reading wizard! He was still in his Star Reading to keep his confidence in reading up, but has since returned with the rest of his class. so proud of him! We're currently working on reading 100 books through the end of the school year, he's excited to accomplish it, which makes it more fun for mom :)
  • Bailey is also a rock star when it comes to reading. We have her in Learning Dynamics pre-school, and couldn't be more proud of her accomplishments. She is reading full books through their reading program. Thankfully, we'll be moving to school district with full-day kindergarten, because I think she would have lost all of her progress in the half-days here in Lehi - no to mention the 30-35 kids in each class! Yikes! And he's doing math! 
I had a minor melt down today, but all is well. Just a word of caution: don't tell a solo mom that you are going to a movie... it may have just made me a little sad :( I can't take a shower by myself, let alone go to a movie!

and on that note, I'm going to go and watch a movie with my babies because we all got our homework done early!!

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