So, the news of Britt's new position and our move has gotten around our store like rapid fire. That's what happens when you work with your spouse in a small location. (I get it.) We are definitely very appreciative of the support we have from all of our co-workers, very appreciative. It means a lot when everyone asks what Britt will be doing, if we've sold our house, how things are going, yadda... yadda... BUT there comes a time when I just have no more news to talk about, I really just don't have all the answers or anything new to talk about.
So that we're all on the same page, here is what we know:
1) not enough
2) Britt leaves soon... like really soon. we're inside the 10 day mark for him to head back to Iowa.
3) Bailey's last day of school May 22
4) Kaed's last day of school May 30
5) DANCE recital May 31
Then after that, I've got nothin'!
All I know is that I am done with my MASTER'S DEGREE on 5/17, and my kids are done with school after that. I have to focus on school or I will seriously be crushed. That's my focus.
Would it be great to sell the house and not have to worry, of course. Would it be awesome to get out of here and get home to be with my husband, definitely. But I have a great job that I absolutely don't want to leave, like DON'T want to leave. So until I can continue doing this job closer to Britt, or find a bangin' job in Des Moines area... I'm staying put. This could be through June, through July... I just don't know, but I know that I'm not leaving anytime soon!
Anyone want to help us pack :) This is all happening so fast!
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