Sunday, April 27, 2014

It all seems to get better with time.


Well, it has been just over a week (day 8 now) that Britt has moved on to Iowa to his new career. We are very happy and very proud of him, but just to be a little selfish here - I want him back! Sure, we can just pack up and go to be with him, but we are so close to being done with school and the kids are getting to the point where they realize they are moving away from their friends :( If there is a silver lining for Bailey, her best friend is moving to Dallas for the summer (her dad works at different locations each summer) and they will be moving about the same time we will.

The first couple of nights we were with out Britt were rough, Bailey slept with me until Tuesday night. She never wants to cuddle, hold hands, or sleep with us; but, with her daddy gone, she couldn't resist :( She doesn't get too sad unless she's tired or I'm leaving her a daycare, I hope she doesn't think that I'm leaving to. So, we make sure to talk to Britt every day, but she doesn't ever want to hang up!!!

Kaeden, so far, seems to be doing okay. I was most worried about how he would react to Britt moving and eventually us all moving back. When we moved to Utah, it was tough on him and we didn't realize it soon enough. My sister, Kelli, moved out here with us for a couple of months and I thought that would help with the transition, but he had some anxiety and started to twirl his hair when he was alone, sleeping and tired. It got to a point where he had pulled out quite a bit of hair over a couple months. We addressed the situation by talking through it and making sure he was preoccupied with activities, and shaved his head... Eliminate the problem. So this time, I'm hoping it's a much easier transition.

So, as we go into the second week of having a dual time zone family, we are a little more optimistic that it will be better than last week!

Stay tuned, because I had quite the meltdown yesterday and hope that it doesn't happen again! I can't stand the emotion :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I just don't know...

So, the news of Britt's new position and our move has gotten around our store like rapid fire. That's what happens when you work with your spouse in a small location. (I get it.) We are definitely very appreciative of the support we have from all of our co-workers, very appreciative. It means a lot when everyone asks what Britt will be doing, if we've sold our house, how things are going, yadda... yadda... BUT there comes a time when I just have no more news to talk about, I really just don't have all the answers or anything new to talk about.
So that we're all on the same page, here is what we know:
1) not enough
2) Britt leaves soon... like really soon. we're inside the 10 day mark for him to head back to Iowa.
3) Bailey's last day of school May 22
4) Kaed's last day of school May 30
5) DANCE recital May 31

Then after that, I've got nothin'!

All I know is that I am done with my MASTER'S DEGREE on 5/17, and my kids are done with school after that. I have to focus on school or I will seriously be crushed. That's my focus.
Would it be great to sell the house and not have to worry, of course. Would it be awesome to get out of here and get home to be with my husband, definitely. But I have a great job that I absolutely don't want to leave, like DON'T want to leave. So until I can continue doing this job closer to Britt, or find a bangin' job in Des Moines area... I'm staying put. This could be through June, through July... I just don't know, but I know that I'm not leaving anytime soon!

Anyone want to help us pack :) This is all happening so fast!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Can I get an 'easy' button for life?

Well, in true 'Kim and Britt' fashion - we don't do anything easy. Not that I think others do, but I just honestly feel we have the make the situation as difficult as it can be and then kill it!

1) 2007 - Having a baby at the end of junior year of college... then taking 18 - 21 credit hours to graduate on time and with your class because someone once said, "so, what about college now?"  - well. what?!

2) 2009 - Have your second baby when living in a tiny two-bedroom apartment?  Oh, and 1a) having baby and then moving into your own apartment for the first time... in the ghetto of WDM... hey, it's rough!  back to 2) have two babies, your husband starts traveling every week for a week for work... working full-time and paying out the butt for day care. Did I mention I was seriously crazy when pregnant with Bailey?

3) 2011 -This one is a doozy... a) decide to move to SLC, UT, b) quit a really good job, c) get married within two months of planning, d) travel to SLC and E) BUY A HOUSE f) start new awesome HR job!

4) 2012 - Move to Utah - an entire world away from Iowa. But during the move... let's break your back, Kimbo. smooth move. And then what's that, the house won't be ready for another week? Let's live in a hotel room; Britt, Kim (w/ broken back), Kelli (Kim's sister), Kaed and Bailey... and start work full time, 50+ hours a week.

5) Here we are, 2014. Looks like we're due for something. We are MOVING again, back to Iowa.

I don't like to think of it as moving back to Iowa, because it sounds like we couldn't hack it out in Utah. Well, most days, I couldn't - it was tough for me. But I'd like to think that we could live out here for a long time. It is gorgeous. It is seriously, the prettiest place ever! There is so much to do, regardless of the weather. We are moving to an opportunity that came Britt's way and we are just very fortunate enough that it is close to family and friends in Iowa.

That's all the details I've really got for you now, I'm still kind of processing it myself. More to come!

...easy button, anyone?